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The Iowa Horse - IHC Newsletter


“The Iowa Horse” is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October.  Current newsletters are distributed to each paid IHC member.  Deadlines for submissions are due March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1. You are invited to submit items of interest to David Beary, until an editor has been elected.


To see the current issue of the IHC newsletter, The Iowa Horse, and take advantage of all The Iowa Horse has to offer, click here to join the Iowa Horse Council.


Publications Committee Opportunities:


Iowa Horse Council members are invited to consider serving on the promotions committee.  The committee has several areas of opportunities which include:


  • Newsletter – The Iowa Horse

  • Feature writing – stories of interest about IHC members, Iowa breed associations, Iowa performance horse associations, saddle clubs, horse health, and welfare items, special events or shows taking place in Iowa.

  • Trail articles – updates on state and county trails in Iowa, personal experience articles (ride the trail and write about it as well as take photos of the trail and facilities), write about private trail options for trail riders, report trail ride that are open to the public around the state.

  • Compile updates on Horse Fair, legislation, or animal health and welfare.

  • Be a photographer at IHC events or other events of interest to IHC members.

Contact David Beary if you are interested in working on The Iowa Horse!

© 2025 by Iowa Horse Council

Notice: Information published on this website, except for official horse council business, is provided as information only and does not reflect the opinions of IHC or its members. Links to other organizations or vendors are also provided for informational purposes and does not imply support or endorsement of any material found at those websites.

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