IHC Sponsorship Guidelines

Sponsorship amounts will vary and be between $50 and $500. Buildings, salaries, and political causes will not be considered for sponsorship funding.
Sponsorship applications for the Iowa Horse Council must be received on or before the deadline dates and be on the application forms provided or by downloading the on-line application form. Additional supportive material(s) may be added as deemed necessary. Failure to observe any or all instructions may result in automatic disqualification.
Groups receiving a sponsorship will acknowledge the contribution of the Iowa Horse Council to this program or project wherever or whenever appropriate to the project or program. This could but is not limited to press releases, construction signage, brochures, or programs (e.g. – This program/project made possible by funds contributed by the Iowa Horse Council.)
For more information for applying for sponsorships through the Iowa Horse Council, please contact: Phil Duey